

“We are the VANGUARD: Artists, Activists, Intellectuals, Poets, Athletes, Actors, Turntabalists, Models, Writers, Musicians, & Emcee’s opposed to the status quo.”

Art Thug Magazine is a platform created to distribute information related to the interests of the cultural arts community. We provide in-depth interviews, essays, reviews and opinions that are necessary, important, and relevant.

Our purpose is to keep the public-at-large and cultural arts communities well informed. Art Thug Magazine is built on a foundation of trans local communities—a collective of individuals with common interests who are geographically separated by distance.

We are a community of creatives contributing to the discourse of contemporary art in all its forms including visual art, dance, music, theatre, film, design, architecture, literature, and new media.

Art Thug Magazine publishes online articles daily, weekly, and monthly.

We publish a QUARTERLY in-print magazine 4 times a year (Fall-Winter-Spring and Summer).

Volume 2/Issue 2 SUMMER will be available nationwide in SPRING of 2024.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best Always,

Terrence Sanders-Smith

Publisher and Editor-In-Chief